The Great Indian caste system

As its the time to revise our opinion on the Great Indian caste system

our ancestors created the caste system not to discriminate or to dominate the one person by other but the true intention is to departmentalize the duties so that the business market and social bonds are kept prosperous. yes, that's the rule even rich king will stay shelter less without house builders
in that era where money has no value but the labor, people used to exchange their goods in order to survive. employment was ample and natural resources were not wasted because there was a huge respect to words the environment and they used to worship the nature as mother Prakruthi or Parvathi and anatomical elements as gods, vayu the wind, Agni the fire, Bhoomi as earth, Varsha as rain and  rivers as Ganga

Brahmins give education to the farmer's children in return of rice.
cobbler trades footwear where as  potters pottery.
carpenters trade their woodwork where as black smith and gold smith their metal work
and same with weavers and other workmen.
and a king to maintain and safeguard this interdependent system wisely!

so that was the time where each and every one are respected.there were no hierarchies and no prejudices.
and its was said that these castes were four legs of dharma (the wisdom).

later in the intermediate era .  persons in the country with wicked thoughts to rule the world have hierachied the caste system.i feel that's the point where social discrimination started.
respect to the labor gone vanished.
which is continuing even today , years after the British invaded the country  the curiosity towards foreign products and west side culture even prioritized the work, companies are given importance but not the social farmers who are limited to make just raw material !

just think
why are we paying 2000 to 5000 per jeans with foreign brand which is made from Indian cotton which costs less than 50?
why do we spend 100s of rupees in order to purchase a burger or pizza which is made from Indian wheat which costs less than 30 per kg?
this capitalization resulted no respects to weavers and no interest in hand loom products! no respects to farmers and no interest to Indian homemade roti (flat bread)

 it became trend that "high priority and high interest leads to high price & vice versa "
which also results the dollar-rupee imbalances.
the given importance to robots which do the work in seconds than to the people who shed their sweat and blood , who work all the years and fight with the degrading environmental conditions to make the raw materials is the root cause of inflation.

we must learn to respect farmenrs and the artisans who were the foundation for India and Indian produtcs.

respect the culture and protect the country !


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