
Showing posts from 2024

Sabja - Herbs - sweet Basil

  Flowers  Seeds are used in falooda

Parthenium - weed


Agasti- Sesbania Grandiflora

  Good Nitrogen fixer - Legumenous Red and white versions

Gliricidia- Giri Pushpam

  leaves can be used as green mulch  Nitrogen fixer

jack fruit - panasa



                                                                                                plants                                                                                                     flowers seeds Usage

mahua tree - Madhuca longifolia

Fruits                                                                                                           Flowers Usage

Phalsa Tree - Grewia asiatica

                                                                                                                                                                                              Leaves                                                                                                Flowers  Fruits Usage

Reference books to permaculture from Aranya

  Here is a list of some ref books -  "An Agriculture Testament" - Albert Howard "Silent Spring" - Rachel Carson "One Straw Revolution" - Fukuoka "The Natural Way of Farming" - Fukuoka "Introduction to Permaculture" - Bill Mollison "Permaculture: A Designer's Manual" - Bill Mollison "Tending the Earth" - W. Pereira "Village Swaraj" - M.K. Gandhi "Organic Agriculture" - P.K. Thampan "Trees and Tree Farming" - P.K. Thampan "This Fissured Land" - M. Gadgil and R. Gaha

Ethical Animal Husbandry in Food Foresting

Permaculture is a design approach that aims to create sustainable and self-sufficient agricultural systems that work in harmony with natural ecosystems. Integrating permaculture principles into animal husbandry practices can further enhance ethical considerations in agriculture. Here's how permaculture principles can be applied to ethical animal husbandry: Integration : Permaculture emphasizes the integration of different elements within a farming system to create mutually beneficial relationships. This can involve integrating animals into diverse agroecosystems, such as incorporating livestock into rotational grazing systems or using animals for natural pest control in orchards and gardens. Observation and Interaction : Permaculture encourages farmers to observe and interact with their animals and the surrounding environment to better understand their needs and behaviors. This can lead to more informed decision-making regarding animal welfare and management practices. Natural Patt

Five Layer Farming

  Five-layer farming in permaculture epitomizes the harmonious integration of various plant species, fostering resilience, biodiversity, and sustainability. By mimicking the structure of natural ecosystems, this agricultural paradigm not only yields abundant and diverse crops but also exemplifies a holistic approach to land management. As we grapple with global challenges in agriculture, Five-Layer Farming emerges as a beacon, showcasing how sustainable practices can be both productive and ecologically beneficial. Embracing this model not only promises food security but also presents a blueprint for a regenerative future in agriculture. Canopy Layer: At the apex of the system is the canopy layer, consisting of tall fruit and nut trees. These provide shade, and habitat for beneficial insects, and yield diverse, nutrient-rich crops. Embracing agroforestry principles, the canopy layer fosters biodiversity and efficient resource utilization. Sub-Canopy Layer: Beneath the towering trees l

Social Aspects of Sustainable Food Practices

sustainable food practices encompass communal and societal dimensions. Engaging with local food systems, supporting farmers' markets, and participating in community-supported agriculture foster social connections. The communal aspects of sustainable food practices contribute to a sense of belonging and community, addressing social determinants of mental health.